All Saint's Richmond Hill Church Of England Primary School

Faith Day 2023

We celebrated Faith Day as a whole school on Wednesday 6th July. This year our theme was learning about different Christian Denominations. Faith Day is a creative, fun day where we celebrate together and share our learning with a special celebration worship at the end of the day.


This year we were lucky to have several visitors join us in our celebrations throughout the day.


Hannah Hayden joined us from St Philip’s with Hannah Childs from Missional Generation to guide us in learning about the Anglican Church. Hannah brought Reverend Rolf’s cassock and surplice for the children to try on and explained about what makes the Anglican Church special. The children listened to the story of the Garden of Eden then drew their own special places with pastels.


We were also joined by several parents from the Eritrean Orthodox Church. They brought lots of delicious food for the children to try, wore traditional dress and brought some of their special objects too. Children from Year 5 and 6 led the learning all about the Eritrean Orthodox Church. They helped the children to make special Meskel crosses to wear as necklaces and shared a special PowerPoint with everyone. They did brilliantly!


We also had Ian and Christine Pattison join us from the Methodist Church. They normally lead our ‘Open the Book’ worship. They talked about what is special about being a Methodist. The children learnt all about John Wesley, wrote on slate and played some traditional games too.


The children learnt a dance to ‘My God is Powerful’ which is a song they sing at Bridge Community Church. Everybody learnt the dance throughout the day then we all did the dance together in our final worship. It was a beautiful moment.


We also learnt about the Baptist Church and the Catholic Church. We had our own baptism ceremonies and learnt about the meaning behind being baptised. The children learnt about the Pope, inside a Catholic Church and made their own stained-glass windows