Governing Body Set Up
Chair: Mrs. Maria Herlingshaw Vice Chair: Mrs. Pam Caveen
Constitution of the Governing Body:
- Headteacher
- 1 x Local Authority (LA) Governors, (recommended by the LA and approved by the Governing Body)
- 2 Parent Governors, formally elected through a ballot of parents unless the election is uncontested
- 1 Staff Governor, formally elected by staff employed at school
- 7 Foundation Governors, appointed by the foundation (usually for church schools or trusts)
- The Governing Body operates with the following committees:
- Finance and Personnel Committee - responsible for staffing , ensuring all finance regulations are met and monitoring the budget and ensuring it is used appropriately within school means.
- Committee Chair: Mr. Peter Gray
- Teaching and Learning Committee - responsible for teaching and learning matters including standards and achievement, SEN), monitoring teaching and learning and curriculum provision and ensuring that the governing body is represented at school improvement discussions.
- Committee Chair: Maria Herlingshaw
- Safety and Wellbeing –responsible for ensuring that all health and safety regulations are met, monitoring of the premises to ensure it meets requirements, ensuring all safeguarding procedures including attendance are in place and to ensure the well-being of pupils.
- Committee Chair: Pam Caveen
- Pay Review Committee – responsible for ensuring the implementation of the school Pay Policy and Teacher Appraisal Policy.
- Pay Appeal Committee – responsible for hearing pay appeals and ensuring a fair and proper process has been followed.
- Admissions Committee To determine and administer, within statutory provisions, the school's admission policy
Contacting the Governing Body:
In the first instance, please contact school for contact details.