All Saint's Richmond Hill Church Of England Primary School


Dear Parents/ Carers

Weekly Homework


As well as weekly Homework, please also look at the half termly Curriculum Letter to Parents/Carers ‘How to help your child at home’ section for further ideas of how to help your child in Maths and Literacy at home. It is on your child’s class page on our school website each half term.


Setting a homework timetable for your child:

It is up to parents and carers to decide how to organise children’s homework routines at home, but children should be doing their homework on most days e.g. Monday: Reading / Times tables   

Tuesday: Reading/Spelling   Wednesday: Reading / Times tables etc 


Y3  Y4  Y5  Y6  Homework

Each week your child will get the following homework:

  • Reading (daily)
  • Times Tables Homework


Children may also sometimes get other homework which will be given on paper, online or in planners. The children will be shown where it is.



We are making a change to the way we teach spellings - we are now using a scheme called No Nonsense Spelling.  The scheme does not allocate weekly spellings, however we are still going to send spellings home regularly (this may not be every week).  Where teachers think it is appropriate, they will send home 5 spellings for the children to practise.  These spellings not be tested but are for the children to practise at home.   The children will have regular assessment of spellings in class.  If you would like any further advice/support with spellings, please speak to your child's class teacher. 


Times tables

Times tables knowledge is crucial for most Maths concepts and children who don’t know their times tables fall behind in Maths. The times table that your child needs to learn is written each week in their planner or on paper. Children should learn the given times table in order, out of order and learn the division facts for that times table.

E.g. if your child is given the 7 times table to learn they should learn it in order (1x7, 2x7, 3x7 etc), out of order (6x7, 9x7, 3x7 etc) and the division facts (e.g. 56÷7 = 8, 77÷7=11, 21÷7=3 etc)

*Some children in Key Stage 2 know all their times tables and they will not be given a specific times tables but asked instead to work on speed/fluency and  division facts revision of all times tables choosing a few times tables at a time.



The government recommendation for primary school children is that children should read at home for 20-30 mins per day. Please sign your child’s planner to show that they have been reading. They have a reading diary which you should sign (KS2 children can write a summary of what they have read) and the Home Reading Rewards sheet in the front of their planner.  You should tick every time your child reads - the more they read, they more rewards they earn. 


Year 2 Homework

Maths Homework is written in children’s Maths Homework books or on a sheet in the book.

Spellings are done in school through RWI.

Reading is written in the children’s Reading Record Book. Please sign your child’s Reading Record Book to show that they have been reading.

Children may also sometimes get other homework which will be given on paper, online or in planners. The children will be shown where it is.


Year 1 Homework

Spelling is done in school through RWI.

Reading is written in the children’s Reading Record Book.

Please sign your child’s Reading Record Book to show that they have been reading.

Children may also sometimes get other homework which will be given on paper, online or in planners. The children will be shown where it is.


Nursery and Reception- Helping your child at home.

Class teachers will regularly give parents/carers ideas of how to help children at home including in the half termly Curriculum letter to parents ‘How to help your child at home’ section. It is on your child’s class page on our school website each half term.




Homework Policy