EAL Provision ( English as an Additional Language )
The school has a number of children identified as English as additional Lanaguage. We celebrate this diversity and encourage a sharing of different languages.
From Nursery to Y6, we have children who have a range of skills and abilities relating to their first language and their English skills.
Some children are completely bi-lingual and find that they can switch between languages quite fluently. This is a great skill and is to be commended.
Many of our EAL children are more fluent in conversational English and, for many of these, English is spoken most frequently in the home.
Learning and using academic language accurately and confidently can take much longer and we would aim to pre-teach or focus-teach these elements on a regular basis.
We also have EAL children who have a more limited development of language (their first language or English) and for these children specific programmes are put in place. These are delivered over a period of time.
When we admit a child who has little or no English, an assessment is made over a period of weeks to enable us to identify the child’s language abilities. A ‘New to English’ programme is then devised. They will then receive an EAL programme of language development as additional to the normal support 3 times a week.
Throughout school, great emphasis is placed on developing speaking and listening skills and vocabulary and language development.
In Early Years this is done through on-going adult interactions modelling and explaining spoken English, Speaking and Listening focus groups and Individual Education Plans where applicable.
In KS1 and KS2 developing good vocabulary is a focus. Word walls, VCOP, WOW words, subject specific vocabulary are targeted routinely.
Where it is felt that a child – EAL or other – would benefit, pre-teaching of identified subject or theme words is planned and delivered.
Please click here to view our EAL policy