Competitions 2020 2021
Sports Day July 21
Everyone was delighted that we could do Sports Day this year! Unfortunately the parents couldn't come, but the children had a fantastic afternoon competing in a variety of fun events. Hope you enjoy these photos.
This week - WB Nov 23rd - has seen our first whole school challenge since Lockdown, so we have all been very excited. Every child took part to find a champion boy and champion girl from each class. Here are some great photos of our Nursery and Year 3 children. Remember Go fitter! Go faster! Go All Saints!
This week - WB Nov 23rd - has seen our first whole school challenge since Lockdown, so we have all been very excited. Every child took part to find a champion boy and champion girl from each class. Here are some great photos of our Nursery and Year 3 children. Remember Go fitter! Go faster! Go All Saints!